About Me

Hi, I'm Shivlal Sharma, a passionate student who enjoys learning new things, solving problems and also loves developing cool new things.

I'm well experianced in data structures and algorithms with Python and also capable to develope and design interactive React apps. Also got my hands dirty in new trending techs like BlockChain, Data Science, AI, ML Created few BlockChain projects based on Etherium smart contracts.




EthVoter is blockchain based Voting system created for making election process secure, transparent and trustworthy. I used Solidity programming language for creating smart contracts. Smart contracts are way to apply bussiness logic to your blockchain Dapp.Also used Ganache for managing private blockchain network and transactions.



It is a local student developer community portal for all SALITER student. I used react for the frontend and django as a backend. To integrate both React and Django.I created Django-restframwork API for sending JSON response and used Axios for taking json response from the API endpoints.



This python project gives graph visualizations of stock prices of any company. It uses yfinance library for data and streamlit for visualization.



Created with HTML, CSS, NodeJs, and Socket.io. Used sockets to send and receive messages. Added notification sound when a new user enters the chat room


Get In Touch

I am always interested in meeting like-minded people. If you are interested or want to discuss something, feel free to contact me.